{-# OPTIONS --cubical --exact-split -WnoUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Equiv where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤ℕ_; _<_ to _<ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L hiding (¬_; ⊥)
open import Cubical.Structures.Prelude
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base renaming (_∷_ to _∷*_; [] to []*; [_] to [_]*; _++_ to _++*_)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Sort
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Order
open Iso
ℓ : Level
A : Type ℓ
module Sort↔Order {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} (isSetA : isSet A) where
open Sort isSetA
open Sort.Section isSetA
open Sort→Order isSetA
open Order→Sort
open IsToset
open Toset
IsHeadLeastSection : (SList A -> List A) -> Type _
IsHeadLeastSection s = is-section s × is-head-least s
IsSortSection : (SList A -> List A) -> Type _
IsSortSection s = is-section s × is-head-least s × is-tail-sort s
HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete : Type _
HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete = (Σ _ IsHeadLeastSection) × (Discrete A)
HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete : Type _
HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete = (Σ _ IsSortSection) × (Discrete A)
IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection : ∀ s -> IsSortSection s -> IsHeadLeastSection s
IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection s (section , head-least , _) = section , head-least
order→sort : HasDecOrder -> HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete
order→sort (_≤_ , isToset , isDec) =
(sort _≤_ isToset isDec , subst (λ isSetA' -> Sort.is-sort-section isSetA' (sort _≤_ isToset isDec)) (isPropIsSet _ _) (Order→Sort.sort-is-sort-section _≤_ isToset isDec)) , isDiscreteA _≤_ isToset isDec
order→head-least : HasDecOrder -> HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete
order→head-least p = let ((s , s-is-sort) , r) = order→sort p in (s , IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection s s-is-sort) , r
head-least→order : HasHeadLeastSectionAndIsDiscrete -> HasDecOrder
head-least→order ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA) =
_≤_ s s-is-section , ≤-isToset s s-is-section s-is-sort , dec-≤ s s-is-section discA
sort→order : HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete -> HasDecOrder
sort→order ((s , s-is-sort) , r) = head-least→order ((s , IsSortSection→IsHeadLeastSection s s-is-sort) , r)
order→head-least→order : ∀ x -> head-least→order (order→head-least x) ≡ x
order→head-least→order (_≤_ , isToset , isDec) =
Σ≡Prop (λ _≤'_ -> isOfHLevelΣ 1 (isPropIsToset _) (λ p -> isPropΠ2 λ x y -> isPropDec (is-prop-valued p x y))) (sym ≤-≡)
_≤*_ : A -> A -> Type _
_≤*_ = head-least→order (order→head-least (_≤_ , isToset , isDec)) .fst
≤*-isToset : IsToset _≤*_
≤*-isToset = head-least→order (order→head-least (_≤_ , isToset , isDec)) .snd .fst
iso-to : ∀ x y -> x ≤ y -> x ≤* y
iso-to x y x≤y with isDec x y
... | yes p = refl
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p x≤y)
iso-from : ∀ x y -> x ≤* y -> x ≤ y
iso-from x y x≤y with isDec x y
... | yes p = p
... | no ¬p = ⊥.rec (¬p (subst (_≤ y) (just-inj y x x≤y) (is-refl isToset y)))
iso-≤ : ∀ x y -> Iso (x ≤ y) (x ≤* y)
iso-≤ x y = iso (iso-to x y) (iso-from x y) (λ p -> is-prop-valued ≤*-isToset x y _ p) (λ p -> is-prop-valued isToset x y _ p)
≤-≡ : _≤_ ≡ _≤*_
≤-≡ = funExt λ x -> funExt λ y -> isoToPath (iso-≤ x y)
sort→order→sort : ∀ x -> order→sort (sort→order x) ≡ x
sort→order→sort ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA) =
Σ≡Prop (λ _ -> isPropDiscrete)
$ Σ≡Prop isProp-is-sort-section
$ sym
$ funExt λ xs -> unique-sort' _≤*_ ≤*-isToset ≤*-dec s xs (s-is-section , ∣_∣₁ ∘ s-is-sort')
s' : SList A -> List A
s' = order→sort (sort→order ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA)) .fst .fst
s'-is-sort-section : is-sort-section s'
s'-is-sort-section = order→sort (sort→order ((s , s-is-section , s-is-sort) , discA)) .fst .snd
_≤*_ : A -> A -> Type _
_≤*_ = _≤_ s s-is-section
≤*-isToset : IsToset _≤*_
≤*-isToset = ≤-isToset s s-is-section (s-is-sort .fst)
≤*-dec : ∀ x y -> Dec (x ≤* y)
≤*-dec = dec-≤ s s-is-section discA
Sorted* : List A -> Type _
Sorted* = Sorted _≤*_ ≤*-isToset ≤*-dec
s-is-sort'' : ∀ xs n -> n ≡ L.length (s xs) -> Sorted* (s xs)
s-is-sort'' xs n p with n | s xs | inspect s xs
... | zero | [] | _ = sorted-nil
... | zero | y ∷ ys | _ = ⊥.rec (znots p)
... | suc _ | [] | _ = ⊥.rec (snotz p)
... | suc _ | y ∷ [] | _ = sorted-one y
... | suc m | y ∷ z ∷ zs | [ q ]ᵢ = induction (s-is-sort'' (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) m (injSuc p ∙ wit))
wit : suc (L.length zs) ≡ L.length (s (list→slist (z ∷ zs)))
wit = sym $
L.length (s (list→slist (z ∷ zs))) ≡⟨ sort-length≡ s s-is-section (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) ⟩
S.length (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) ≡⟨ sym (sort-length≡-α s s-is-section (z ∷ zs)) ⟩
L.length (z ∷ zs) ∎
z∷zs-sorted : s (list→slist (z ∷ zs)) ≡ z ∷ zs
z∷zs-sorted = sort-unique s s-is-section (z ∷ zs) (s-is-sort .snd y (z ∷ zs) ∣ _ , q ∣₁)
induction : Sorted* (s (list→slist (z ∷ zs))) -> Sorted* (y ∷ z ∷ zs)
induction IH =
sorted-cons y z zs
(is-sorted→≤ s s-is-section y z (s-is-sort .fst y z _ ∣ _ , q ∣₁ (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
(subst Sorted* z∷zs-sorted IH)
s-is-sort' : ∀ xs -> Sorted* (s xs)
s-is-sort' xs = s-is-sort'' xs (L.length (s xs)) refl
order⊂head-least : isEmbedding order→head-least
order⊂head-least = injEmbedding (isSet× (isSetΣ (isSetΠ (λ _ -> isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA)) λ q -> isProp→isSet (isProp× (isProp-is-section q) (isProp-is-head-least q))) (isProp→isSet isPropDiscrete))
(λ p -> sym (order→head-least→order _) ∙ congS head-least→order p ∙ order→head-least→order _)
sort↔order : Iso HasDecOrder HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete
sort↔order = iso order→sort sort→order sort→order→sort order→head-least→order
sort≃order : HasDecOrder ≃ HasSortSectionAndIsDiscrete
sort≃order = isoToEquiv sort↔order