{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split -WnoUnsupportedIndexedMatch #-}

module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Sort.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order renaming (_≤_ to _≤ℕ_; _<_ to _<ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order 
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P
import Cubical.Data.List as L
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L hiding (¬_; ) 

import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.List
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base renaming (_∷_ to _∷*_; [] to []*; [_] to [_]*; _++_ to _++*_)
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length as S
open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Membership as S

open Iso

     : Level
    A : Type 

head-maybe : List A -> Maybe A
head-maybe [] = nothing
head-maybe (x  xs) = just x

module Sort {A : Type } (isSetA : isSet A) (sort : SList A -> List A) where
  open Membership isSetA

  is-sorted : List A -> Type _
  is-sorted list =  fiber sort list ∥₁

  is-section : Type _
  is-section =  xs -> list→slist (sort xs)  xs

  isProp-is-section : isProp is-section
  isProp-is-section = isPropΠ  _ -> trunc _ _)

  is-head-least : Type _
  is-head-least =  x y xs -> is-sorted (x  xs) -> y  (x  xs) -> is-sorted (x  y  [])

  is-tail-sort : Type _
  is-tail-sort =  x xs -> is-sorted (x  xs) -> is-sorted xs

  is-sort : Type _
  is-sort = is-head-least × is-tail-sort

  isProp-is-head-least : isProp is-head-least
  isProp-is-head-least = isPropΠ5 λ _ _ _ _ _ -> squash₁

  isProp-is-tail-sort : isProp is-tail-sort
  isProp-is-tail-sort = isPropΠ3  _ _ _ -> squash₁)

  isProp-is-sort : isProp is-sort
  isProp-is-sort = isProp× isProp-is-head-least isProp-is-tail-sort

  is-sort-section : Type _
  is-sort-section = is-section × is-sort

  isProp-is-sort-section : isProp is-sort-section
  isProp-is-sort-section = isOfHLevelΣ 1 isProp-is-section  _ -> isProp-is-sort)

  module Section (sort≡ : is-section) where
    open Membership* isSetA

    list→slist-η :  xs -> (x : A) -> list→slist xs  [ x ]* -> xs  [ x ]
    list→slist-η [] x p = ⊥.rec (znots (congS S.length p))
    list→slist-η (x  []) y p = congS [_] ([-]-inj {ϕ = isSetA} p)
    list→slist-η (x  y  xs) z p = ⊥.rec (snotz (injSuc (congS S.length p)))

    sort-length≡-α :  (xs : List A) -> L.length xs  S.length (list→slist xs)
    sort-length≡-α [] = refl
    sort-length≡-α (x  xs) = congS suc (sort-length≡-α xs)

    sort-length≡ :  xs -> L.length (sort xs)  S.length xs
    sort-length≡ xs = sort-length≡-α (sort xs)  congS S.length (sort≡ xs)

    length-0 :  (xs : List A) -> L.length xs  0 -> xs  []
    length-0 [] p = refl
    length-0 (x  xs) p = ⊥.rec (snotz p)

    sort-[] :  xs -> sort xs  [] -> xs  []*
    sort-[] xs p = sym (sort≡ xs)  congS list→slist p

    sort-[]' : sort []*  []
    sort-[]' = length-0 (sort []*) (sort-length≡ []*)

    sort-[-] :  x -> sort [ x ]*  [ x ]
    sort-[-] x = list→slist-η (sort [ x ]*) x (sort≡ [ x ]*)

    sort-∈ :  x xs -> x ∈* xs -> x  sort xs
    sort-∈ x xs p = ∈*→∈ x (sort xs) (subst (x ∈*_) (sym (sort≡ xs)) p)

    sort-∈* :  x xs -> x  sort xs -> x ∈* xs
    sort-∈* x xs p = subst (x ∈*_) (sort≡ xs) (∈→∈* x (sort xs) p)

    sort-unique :  xs -> is-sorted xs -> sort (list→slist xs)  xs
    sort-unique xs = P.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA _ xs) λ (ys , p) ->
      sym (congS sort (sym (sort≡ ys)  congS list→slist p))  p

    sort-choice-lemma :  x -> sort (x ∷* x ∷* []*)  x  x  []
    sort-choice-lemma x with sort (x ∷* x ∷* []*) | inspect sort (x ∷* x ∷* []*)
    ... | []                | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* x ∷* []*))  congS L.length p))
    ... | x₁  []           | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* x ∷* []*))  congS L.length p)))
    ... | x₁  x₂  x₃  xs | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (znots (injSuc (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* x ∷* []*))  congS L.length p))))
    ... | a  b  [] | [ p ]ᵢ =
      P.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA _ _)
        (⊎.rec lemma1 (lemma1  x∈[y]→x≡y a x))
        (sort-∈* a (x ∷* x ∷* []*) (subst (a ∈_) (sym p) (x∈xs a [ b ])))
      lemma2 : a  x -> b  x -> a  b  []  x  x  []
      lemma2 q r = cong₂  u v -> u  v  []) q r
      lemma1 : a  x -> a  b  []  x  x  []
      lemma1 q =
          P.rec (isOfHLevelList 0 isSetA _ _)
            (⊎.rec (lemma2 q) (lemma2 q  x∈[y]→x≡y b x))
            (sort-∈* b (x ∷* x ∷* []*) (subst (b ∈_) (sym p) (L.inr (L.inl refl))))

    sort-choice :  x y -> (sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*)  x  y  []) ⊔′ (sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*)  y  x  [])
    sort-choice x y with sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*) | inspect sort (x ∷* y ∷* []*) 
    ... | []                | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* y ∷* []*))  congS L.length p))
    ... | x₁  []           | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (snotz (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* y ∷* []*))  congS L.length p)))
    ... | x₁  x₂  x₃  xs | [ p ]ᵢ = ⊥.rec (znots (injSuc (injSuc (sym (sort-length≡ (x ∷* y ∷* []*))  congS L.length p))))
    ... | a  b  [] | [ p ]ᵢ =
      P.rec squash₁
           x≡a -> P.rec squash₁
               y≡a -> L.inl (sym p  subst  u -> sort (x ∷* [ u ]*)  x  u  []) (x≡a  sym y≡a) (sort-choice-lemma x)))
               y∈[b] -> L.inl (cong₂  u v  u  v  []) (sym x≡a) (sym (x∈[y]→x≡y y b y∈[b]))))
            (subst (y ∈_) p (sort-∈ y (x ∷* y ∷* []*) (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
           x∈[b] -> P.rec squash₁
               y≡a -> L.inr (cong₂  u v  u  v  []) (sym y≡a) (sym (x∈[y]→x≡y x b x∈[b]))))
               y∈[b] ->
                let x≡y = (x∈[y]→x≡y x b x∈[b])  sym (x∈[y]→x≡y y b y∈[b])
                in L.inl (sym p  subst  u -> sort (x ∷* [ u ]*)  x  u  []) x≡y (sort-choice-lemma x))
            (subst (y ∈_) p (sort-∈ y (x ∷* y ∷* []*) (L.inr (L.inl refl))))
        (subst (x ∈_) p (sort-∈ x (x ∷* y ∷* []*) (L.inl refl)))