{-# OPTIONS --cubical --exact-split --safe #-}

-- Taken from https://github.com/vikraman/generalised-species/
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Length where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Prod
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as E
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base as SList

     : Level
    A B : Type 
    ϕ : isSet A
    a x : A
    xs ys : SList A

disj-nil-cons : x  xs  [] -> 
disj-nil-cons p = transport  i  fst (code (p i))) tt
  where code : SList A -> hProp ℓ-zero
        code = Elim.f ( , isProp⊥)
           _ _ -> Unit , isPropUnit)
           _ _ _ _ -> Unit , isPropUnit)
           _ -> isSetHProp)

disj-cons-nil : []  x  xs -> 
disj-cons-nil p = disj-nil-cons (sym p)

length : SList A  
length = Elim.f 0  _ n -> suc n)  _ _ _ -> refl)  _ -> isSetℕ)

length-++ : (x y : SList A)  length (x ++ y)  length x + length y
length-++ x y = ElimProp.f {B = λ xs  length (xs ++ y)  length xs + length y}
  (isSetℕ _ _) refl  a p -> cong suc p) x
lenZero-out : (xs : SList A)  length xs  0  []  xs
lenZero-out = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _  trunc _ _)
   _ -> refl)
   x p q -> E.rec (snotz q))

lenZero-eqv : (xs : SList A)  (length xs  0)  ([]  xs)
lenZero-eqv xs = propBiimpl→Equiv (isSetℕ _ _) (trunc _ _) (lenZero-out xs)  p i  length (p (~ i)))

is-sing-pred : SList A  A  Type _
is-sing-pred xs a = [ a ]  xs

is-sing-pred-prop : (xs : SList A) (z : A)  isProp (is-sing-pred xs z)
is-sing-pred-prop xs a = trunc [ a ] xs

is-sing : SList A  Type _
is-sing xs = Σ _ (is-sing-pred xs)

Sing : Type   Type 
Sing A = Σ (SList A) is-sing

[_]-is-sing : (a : A)  is-sing [ a ]
[ a ]-is-sing = a , refl

sing=isProp :  {x y : A}  isProp ([ x ]  [ y ])
sing=isProp {x = x} {y = y} = trunc [ x ] [ y ]

sing=-in :  {x y : A}  x  y  [ x ]  [ y ]
sing=-in p i = [ p i ]

sing=isContr :  {x y : A}  x  y  isContr ([ x ]  [ y ])
sing=isContr p = sing=-in p , sing=isProp (sing=-in p)

lenOne-down : (x : A) (xs : SList A)  length (x  xs)  1  []  xs
lenOne-down x xs p = lenZero-out xs (injSuc p)

lenOne-cons : (x : A) (xs : SList A)  length (x  xs)  1  is-sing (x  xs)
lenOne-cons x xs p =
  let q = lenOne-down x xs p
  in transport  i  is-sing (x  q i)) [ x ]-is-sing

lenTwo-⊥ : (x y : A) (xs : SList A)  (length (y  x  xs)  1)  
lenTwo-⊥ x y xs =  p  E.rec (snotz (injSuc p))) , record { equiv-proof = E.elim }

isContrlenTwo-⊥→X : (X : Type ) (x y : A) (xs : SList A)  isContr (length (y  x  xs)  1  X)
isContrlenTwo-⊥→X X x y xs = subst  Z  isContr (Z  X)) (sym (ua (lenTwo-⊥ x y xs))) (isContr⊥→A {A = X})

lenOne-swap : {A : Type } (x y : A) (xs : SList A)
             PathP  i  length (SList.swap x y xs i)  1  is-sing (SList.swap x y xs i))
                     p  lenOne-cons x (y  xs) p)
                     p  lenOne-cons y (x  xs) p)
lenOne-swap {A = A} x y xs =
  transport (sym (PathP≡Path  i  length (SList.swap x y xs i)  1  is-sing (SList.swap x y xs i)) _ _))
            (isContr→isProp (isContrlenTwo-⊥→X _ x y xs) _ _)

lenOne : Type   Type _
lenOne A = Σ (SList A)  xs  length xs  1)

module _ {ϕ : isSet A} where

  is-sing-set : (xs : SList A)  isSet (is-sing xs)
  is-sing-set xs = isSetΣ ϕ λ x  isProp→isSet (is-sing-pred-prop xs x)

  lenOne-out : (xs : SList A)  length xs  1  is-sing xs
  lenOne-out = Elim.f  p  E.rec (znots p))
     x {xs} f p  lenOne-cons x xs p)
     x y {xs} f  lenOne-swap x y xs)
    λ xs  isSetΠ  p  is-sing-set xs)
  head : lenOne A  A
  head (xs , p) = lenOne-out xs p .fst

  -- not definitional due to lack of regularity
  head-β : (a : A)  head ([ a ] , refl)  a
  head-β a i = transp  _  A) i a

  lenOnePath : (a b : A)  Type _
  lenOnePath a b = Path (lenOne A) ([ a ] , refl) ([ b ] , refl)

  lenOnePath-in : {a b : A}  [ a ]  [ b ]  lenOnePath a b
  lenOnePath-in = Σ≡Prop  xs  isSetℕ _ _)

  [-]-inj : {a b : A}  [ a ]  [ b ]  a  b
  [-]-inj {a = a} {b = b} p = aux (lenOnePath-in p)
    where aux : lenOnePath a b  a  b
          aux p = sym (head-β a)  cong head p  head-β b

  is-sing-prop : (xs : SList A)  isProp (is-sing xs)
  is-sing-prop xs (a , ψ) (b , ξ) = Σ≡Prop (is-sing-pred-prop xs) ([-]-inj (ψ  sym ξ))

  lenOne-eqv : (xs : SList A)  (length xs  1)  (is-sing xs)
  lenOne-eqv xs = propBiimpl→Equiv (isSetℕ _ _) (is-sing-prop xs) (lenOne-out xs)  χ  cong length (sym (χ .snd)))

  lenOne-set-eqv : lenOne A  A
  lenOne-set-eqv = isoToEquiv (iso head g head-β g-f)
    where g : A  lenOne A
          g a = [ a ] , refl
          g-f : (as : lenOne A)  g (head as)  as
          g-f (as , ϕ) =
            let (a , ψ) = lenOne-out as ϕ
            in Σ≡Prop  xs  isSetℕ _ _) {u = ([ a ] , refl)} {v = (as , ϕ)} ψ

  sing-set-eqv : Sing A  A
  sing-set-eqv = isoToEquiv (iso f  a  [ a ] , [ a ]-is-sing)  _  refl) ret)
    where f : Sing A  A
          f s = s .snd .fst
          ret : (s : Sing A)  ([ f s ] , f s , refl)  s
          ret (s , ψ) = Σ≡Prop is-sing-prop (ψ .snd)