{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --exact-split #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.SList.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
import Cubical.Data.List as L
import Cubical.Structures.Set.Mon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Set.CMon.Desc as M
import Cubical.Structures.Free as F
open import Cubical.Structures.Sig
open import Cubical.Structures.Str public
open import Cubical.Structures.Tree
open import Cubical.Structures.Eq
open import Cubical.Structures.Arity
open import Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset public renaming (FMSet to SList; comm to swap)
pattern [_] a = a ∷ []
ℓ : Level
A : Type ℓ
slist-α : ∀ {n : Level} {X : Type n} -> sig M.MonSig (SList X) -> SList X
slist-α (M.`e , i) = []
slist-α (M.`⊕ , i) = i fzero ++ i fone
module Free {x y : Level} {A : Type x} {𝔜 : struct y M.MonSig} (isSet𝔜 : isSet (𝔜 .car)) (𝔜-cmon : 𝔜 ⊨ M.CMonSEq) where
module 𝔜 = M.CMonSEq 𝔜 𝔜-cmon
𝔛 : M.CMonStruct
𝔛 = < SList A , slist-α >
module _ (f : A -> 𝔜 .car) where
_♯ : SList A -> 𝔜 .car
_♯ = Elim.f 𝔜.e
(λ x xs -> (f x) 𝔜.⊕ xs)
(λ a b xs i ->
( sym (𝔜.assocr (f a) (f b) xs)
∙ cong (𝔜._⊕ xs) (𝔜.comm (f a) (f b))
∙ 𝔜.assocr (f b) (f a) xs
) i
(λ _ -> isSet𝔜)
♯-++ : ∀ xs ys -> (xs ++ ys) ♯ ≡ (xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)
♯-++ = ElimProp.f (isPropΠ λ _ -> isSet𝔜 _ _)
(λ ys -> sym (𝔜.unitl (ys ♯)))
(λ a {xs} p ys ->
f a 𝔜.⊕ ((xs ++ ys) ♯) ≡⟨ cong (f a 𝔜.⊕_) (p ys) ⟩
f a 𝔜.⊕ ((xs ♯) 𝔜.⊕ (ys ♯)) ≡⟨ sym (𝔜.assocr (f a) (xs ♯) (ys ♯)) ⟩
♯-∷ : ∀ x xs -> (x ∷ xs) ♯ ≡ (f x) 𝔜.⊕ (xs ♯)
♯-∷ x xs = ♯-++ [ x ] xs ∙ congS (𝔜._⊕ (xs ♯)) (𝔜.unitr (f x))
♯-isMonHom : structHom 𝔛 𝔜
fst ♯-isMonHom = _♯
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`e i = 𝔜.e-eta
snd ♯-isMonHom M.`⊕ i = 𝔜.⊕-eta i _♯ ∙ sym (♯-++ (i fzero) (i fone))
slistEquivLemma : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> (x : SList A) -> g .fst x ≡ ((g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯) x
slistEquivLemma (g , homMonWit) = ElimProp.f (isSet𝔜 _ _)
(sym (homMonWit M.`e (lookup L.[])) ∙ 𝔜.e-eta)
(λ x {xs} p ->
g (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ sym (homMonWit M.`⊕ (lookup ([ x ] L.∷ xs L.∷ L.[]))) ⟩
_ ≡⟨ 𝔜.⊕-eta (lookup ([ x ] L.∷ xs L.∷ L.[])) g ⟩
_ ≡⟨ cong (g [ x ] 𝔜.⊕_) p ⟩
_ ∎
slistEquivLemma-β : (g : structHom 𝔛 𝔜) -> g ≡ ♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])
slistEquivLemma-β g = structHom≡ 𝔛 𝔜 g (♯-isMonHom (g .fst ∘ [_])) isSet𝔜 (funExt (slistEquivLemma g))
slistMonEquiv : structHom 𝔛 𝔜 ≃ (A -> 𝔜 .car)
slistMonEquiv =
isoToEquiv (iso (λ g -> g .fst ∘ [_]) ♯-isMonHom (λ g -> funExt (𝔜.unitr ∘ g)) (sym ∘ slistEquivLemma-β))
module SListDef = F.Definition M.MonSig M.CMonEqSig M.CMonSEq
slist-sat : ∀ {n} {X : Type n} -> < SList X , slist-α > ⊨ M.CMonSEq
slist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitl) ρ = unitl-++ (ρ fzero)
slist-sat (M.`mon M.`unitr) ρ = unitr-++ (ρ fzero)
slist-sat (M.`mon M.`assocr) ρ = sym (assoc-++ (ρ fzero) (ρ fone) (ρ ftwo))
slist-sat M.`comm ρ = comm-++ (ρ fzero) (ρ fone)
slistDef : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} -> SListDef.Free ℓ ℓ' 2
F.Definition.Free.F slistDef = SList
F.Definition.Free.η slistDef = [_]
F.Definition.Free.α slistDef = slist-α
F.Definition.Free.sat slistDef = slist-sat
F.Definition.Free.isFree slistDef isSet𝔜 satMon = (Free.slistMonEquiv isSet𝔜 satMon) .snd